Wednesday, January 21, 2015

The Mystery Of The Alphabet

         I found the topic about Alphabets particularly interesting because of the mystery 

behind it. The mystery being the fact that there is no true origin point (known) for the 

Alphabet. Since there are more languages than just English, this creates even more of a 

mystery which creates three new questions in my mind. The first being, where all of the 

alphabets for the languages derive from? Second, if all of the alphabets for the different 

languages didn't all come from a single source, then how did each one of them start? 

Lastly, even if all languages come from one starting point, when did they split up to create 

all of the languages we have today.

Putting all questions aside, I found it so interesting (and amusing at times) when it 

was explained how the different language alphabets were first created. It ranged from the 

Korean alphabet where the different characters were created with the knowledge of how 

the mouth and tongue work while making sounds; to the Greek alphabet where Cadmus 

(King of Phoenicia) was advised by the Gods to slay a dragon and then plant its teeth in 

order to create an army of fierce men, which then led to the alphabet. These were my two 

favorite stories of how the alphabet came to be. Even though these stories can be believed 

by anyone who wishes to do so, the true origin of the alphabet will most likely always 

remain a mystery.

Greek Alphabet

                                                                          Korean Alphabet

          Since all alphabets and languages have some association with graphic design, it is 

relevant to understand what graphic design truly is. Many people can and may have a 

different opinion on this, but I believe that graphic design is a form of communication. It 

usually gives the viewer an experience or idea to remember and can be shown through 

both visual and readable artwork, or just works in general. It can be seen wherever we look 

because it surrounds us all the time without fail. From the logos we have grown accustom 

to, to the billboards that draw our attention from the freeways, graphic design is 

communication at its finest because of the fact that we have become used to it being a 

part of our daily lives.

                                                                      Circle of Design elements